Prietenia intre membrii acestei echipe este bazata in primul rand pe respect. Fiecare respecta munca celuilalt si este convins de faptul ca lucrul in echipa poate aduce mari satisfactii.
Scopul nostru este sa dezvoltam acest grup fotografic concomitent cu dezvoltarea fiecaruia in parte ca fotografi, sa propunem proiecte fotografice puternice si de calitate, sa expunem impreuna si tot impreuna sa culegem roadele muncii noastre.
PhotoTeam se poate defini drept un GRUP DE CREATIE. Ne ajutam, ne sustinem, propunem ceva nou!
Aici, pe acest site, prezentam cartea de vizita a fiecarui membru impreuna cu fotografiile individuale reprezentative, precum si proiectele derulate sub egida grupului nostru.
Teme si proiecte, stiluri proprii de abordare ale acestora, o echipa de lumi fotografice bine definite, toate sub numele de PhotoTeam.
Pentru a deveni membru al echipei PhotoTeam este necesara aprobarea tuturor celorlalti membri, este nevoie ca macar unul dintre noi sa cunoasca bine OMUL.
Echipa PhotoTeam
Va asteptam pe site-ul echipei PhotoTeam:
PhotoTeam is a group of friends brought together by the same passion - photography. The friendship between our team members is based primarily on respect; we respect each other's work and we believe that teamwork brings greater achievements.
Our objective is to grow this photo group as well as to improve each of us as individual photographers. We want to bring to your attention interesting projects, to exhibit together and, last but not least, to enjoy the results of our teamwork.
PhotoTeam defines itself as a CREATIVE GROUP. We help and support each other and we aim to offer something new!
This site presents each of its members’ portfolio, as well as group projects. We aim to present our projects and themes through each of our members’ style and artistic views (and lenses
) all under one brand: PhotoTeam.

Becoming a member of PhotoTeam requires the approval of all its members. It is mandatory that at least one of the PhotoTeam members provides a strong endorsement of the PERSON.
PhotoTeam team
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